Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009

Don't try this at home. I almost smacked into the oncoming car while taking this photo.
This is my favorite time of the week. It's the beginning of my commute home on Friday afternoon. Now that the sun is setting later, I can actually see it before it goes down. The clouds form a pretty pink halo around the sun that is much more impressive in real life than in the photo. What do you want from a camera phone? Ahhhh the joy of two days off! I love Friday afternoons!
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hmmmmm...this has been an office-picture-taking kind of week. I'll roll with it. This is the little sliver of natural light I can see while sitting at my desk. It only lasts from 1:22 to 1:41pm, and then it's gone. Poof! The sunlight makes strange bumpy shadows on the wall, but when I run my hand over it, the wall is smooth. Weird.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I hate that there is no way to rotate images in this blog! Anyway, this is what I saw at 3:30pm today. That would be my boss's door. Locked. Apparently, the office closed at 3pm because of the snowstorm and she didn't feel it necessary to tell me. I was wondering where everyone went! Bah, there goes another unpaid hour down the drain...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So this has been a reoccuring thing lately. I am suppose to get out of work at 4:30pm, but as you can see here, it is 6:30pm. I've been working since 8 in the morning without a break and I'm tired! We sit around during the normal working hours with dribbles of work, then BAM! 4pm rolls around and there is an avalanche! This MEPA project is getting old. Grumble, grumble, grumble...I am enjoying the overtime pay though.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Oh yeah. I'm one of the obsessed. This is the best series of fantasy books ever! Ok, it's in my top five anyway, along with LOTR, Harry Potter, Eragon and The Chronicles of Narnia. In case you couldn't tell, I have a thing for fantasy. Not just books either. Some of my favorite movies are the Dark Crystal and, well, LOTR. I've already read the whole series of Stephenie Meyer's book, and now I'm listening to them on CDs also. Plus I've seen the movie twice already in theaters. I'm still hungry for more Edward and Bella though. Stephenie needs to keep the story going. I <3>
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009

All of this mess is right outside my cube at Measured Progress. It was extremely noisy! I just cranked the volume of my iPod and it went away. The cube farm where all of the designers sit (except for me!) was taken down today, as you can see. Then they were rearranged and rebuilt to make better use of the space around that white pole on the right side. The new arrangement is very nice, plus it gives me a little more privacy, since I no longer can look right into my boss's office. sweet!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
This is a common sight in my office. Our green-cheeked conure, Molly, can fly from the living room to the office with no problem. Our lovebird, Ty, however, can't make in in one shot. He usually lands in the hallway and runs the rest of the way. Then he hops onto the leg of my chair and waits patiently for me to pick him up so he can sit next to Molly.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
This was a day that will be in the history books. Barack Obama was sworn in today at noon as the 44th President. Our country faces a long, uphill battle to get back to where we were just 10 years ago, and hopefully, he will help us all get there. I watched him speak on tv at work and my coworkers were clapping and cheering as though they were all there in Washington. Everyone was excited and hopeful and looking forward the changes he promised during his campaign. I know that there are many people who can't get past the race issue (which is disgusting, it's 2009 not 1845!) but I'm glad. Maybe he will have a different perspective and change this country for the better. I'm excited to see what the next few months bring...
Monday, January 19, 2009
Raaaaaawwwww! Scary isn't it? Actually it's too cute. This came in one of my scrapbooking magazines. It is part of a little desktop diorama that I cut out and put together. I know it's Christmasy, but I don't care. There is the sweetest little deer and mushrooms at the other end of the diorama. I am such a sucker for cute animals! This is part of the Sassafras Lass Life at the Pole paper collection that I've got to get! I may be 29 years old, but I will always be a kid at heart.
P.S.- I just realized another neat feature of my new camera. It automatically turns vertical photos so they face the right way. Now I don't have to open them in Photoshop and rotate the images before I post them. Cool!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009

*read in Simpson's Comic Book Guy voice*
"Best video game controller ever!"
Anita has Rockband 2 for Xbox 360 and the drums are my weapon of choice. Darren's better at them than me, but I still play them every chance I get. I like the guitar and singing, too, but nothing can top beating the crap out of them during a really good song!
Friday, January 16, 2009
My new stool came in today! I found this cute replica of a vintage step stool/seat on It's black "leather" and chrome with slide-out steps. This is for my new crafting area since I needed a seat, and a step stool to reach the top shelves. It is a little short for my crafting bench, but I'll be fine. I am working on fabric panels to cover the rough wood frame of the bench...more on that soon!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Mmmmmmm.......pot stickers. Our favorite go-to meal. These frozen bundles of goodness have chicken and veggies in them. 15 minutes in the pan, then they're on our plates next to the Jasmine rice and soy sauce that are a requirement when we have pot stickers.They're making me hungry just looking at them! :)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I was extra tired today and fading quickly at 9:30pm, so I shot the first thing that caught my eye in the office after I grabbed the camera. I put all of the plants here in the office after Ty kept stripping leaves from them in the living room. Can you tell they like it here? They've only been here for a month or so and just look at the new growth at the bottom! You should see the others...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Isn't this nice to see first thing in the morning? This was taken at the end of my street on my way to work. Of course, the picture doesn't do it justice, but it was so pretty, I had to take a picture of it. Between that and the New Moon audiobook I was listening to, the hour long drive didn't seem to take that long.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Oooops! No picture today. I was so tired at the end of the day that I forgot to take one. Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
This is what happens when Rob comes food shopping with me...I end up spending almost $100 more than my average trip! I usually spend between $100-$150 at the store, depending on whether I go to Shaws across the street or the Super Walmart in Epping. But when he comes, all sorts of things end up in the cart. I can't complain too much, I ask him to come with me.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Arrrg! And so it starts...I forgot to take a picture today. I fell asleep on the chaise at around 8:30. I was exhausted!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Awwwww....this is where Pip Squeak sleeps at night. She doesn't stand on the perch and snuggle with her buddy (the fuzzy green thing). Instead, she squeezes in between the cage and her buddy sideways and holds on to the bars all night. She has made an impression in the exact spot where she sleeps every night.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
Don't get the wrong idea from this photo. We don't live in a hovel, it just looks like it in this picture! The newspapers are to keep the floor clean from the dirty birdies, and, well, we need to paint the walls. Anyways, I took this photo because of the new cage stands we got for said birdies. They have wheels! And shelves! Soooo much bettern than those awful TV tray we were using. And the best part is that the girl at the store only charged us for one of them. Shhhhh, don't tell!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
So cool! Rob is building me a crafting "workbench"! This will be so much better than the dining room table I had been using that really didn't work well. Now I can stand or use a stool do to my crafts, wrap presents, cut fabric, etc. I can't wait until the whole office is done! Oh yeah, we put up some shelves to hold all of my crafting supplies too.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Thank God they're done!!! I have been working on sewing these aprons for Anita and Kirsten's Christmas gifts since before Christmas! This one's Kirsten's. It took WAY, WAY longer than I thought it would. Easy pattern my ass! All in all, it took me almost a full 48 hours to create the two aprons from scratch. I figured on 3 hours apiece. HA! It was worth it in the end, but next time I'm buying them instead!
Friday, January 2, 2009

Ok, this picture was actually taken at 12:14am on January 3rd, but who's counting? This is Anita, Kirsten, me and Jenn right after we saw Twilight at the movie theater in Methuan. I'd already seen it, but the girls hadn't. Oh, it was so good! We're all super involved in the books and the movie was better than I had expected. The actors who played Bella and Edward had the most intense chemistry - just like they did in the books - that it was worth having their faces replace the ones I made up in my head while reading. Although my imaginary Edward is way hotter...
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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