Monday, August 24, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
A dilemma...
Stay where I am safe but extremely unchallenged? Or take a chance on something new and uncertain?
My horiscope for today reads:
You are at a crossroads of sorts now, but instead of making a choice between two different alternatives, you need to choose how to expand your options. That's pretty exciting -- but time is short!
I am not entirely sure what that means, but it is very relevant to what I'm going through today. An opportunity has come up for a new job. Right now I am working at Measured Progress. I started working here last September, and it lasted through the beginning of March (it's a temporary position). Then I was called back at the end of May, and I am fairly sure I will be here through the winter again. So far, I have done approximately one full weeks' worth of work in the two and a half months that I've been back. It's that slow here right now.
Most days I sit and stare into space, or read crafting blogs and try to look like I'm doing actual work. Yes, I'm getting paid to sit here and do nothing, but it is depressing and the days drag on forever. I feel like I'm just wasting my time here, when I could be doing so many other things. I know the work will pick up in about another month, then get super crazy since everything's on deadline in November and December.
A coworker sent my name to her temp. agency in response to a catalog design position that opened up at Brookstone in Manchester, NH. I actually had worked with this particular man and his agency before, so he remembered my name. He sent me the details for the position. It will run from September to November/December, and it pays $25/hr. $25/hr! That is a nice number to see on your paycheck. That's $5 more per hour than I make now. Over the course of a month, that adds up to an additional $600 take-home.
It is only 2-3 months long. I'd be unemployed by the end of the year, rather than sometime in February/March. And who knows what else I'll be able to find for work once it's done? Ahhhh...I don't know what to do. I really want to take the new position, but my brain/monthly bill calculator takes over and says "no f-ing way!" I guess I'll be doing some serious thought about it this weekend, and lots of talking with Rob to find out his opinion. I'll keep you posted...
Stay where I am safe but extremely unchallenged? Or take a chance on something new and uncertain?
My horiscope for today reads:
You are at a crossroads of sorts now, but instead of making a choice between two different alternatives, you need to choose how to expand your options. That's pretty exciting -- but time is short!
I am not entirely sure what that means, but it is very relevant to what I'm going through today. An opportunity has come up for a new job. Right now I am working at Measured Progress. I started working here last September, and it lasted through the beginning of March (it's a temporary position). Then I was called back at the end of May, and I am fairly sure I will be here through the winter again. So far, I have done approximately one full weeks' worth of work in the two and a half months that I've been back. It's that slow here right now.
Most days I sit and stare into space, or read crafting blogs and try to look like I'm doing actual work. Yes, I'm getting paid to sit here and do nothing, but it is depressing and the days drag on forever. I feel like I'm just wasting my time here, when I could be doing so many other things. I know the work will pick up in about another month, then get super crazy since everything's on deadline in November and December.
A coworker sent my name to her temp. agency in response to a catalog design position that opened up at Brookstone in Manchester, NH. I actually had worked with this particular man and his agency before, so he remembered my name. He sent me the details for the position. It will run from September to November/December, and it pays $25/hr. $25/hr! That is a nice number to see on your paycheck. That's $5 more per hour than I make now. Over the course of a month, that adds up to an additional $600 take-home.
It is only 2-3 months long. I'd be unemployed by the end of the year, rather than sometime in February/March. And who knows what else I'll be able to find for work once it's done? Ahhhh...I don't know what to do. I really want to take the new position, but my brain/monthly bill calculator takes over and says "no f-ing way!" I guess I'll be doing some serious thought about it this weekend, and lots of talking with Rob to find out his opinion. I'll keep you posted...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
What a surprise when I got home! Rob had the day off and he spent most of the afternoon mulching our new flower beds in front of the house. Mom and I had spend a few days yanking out the old dead shrubs and planting new ones a while back, but we didn't mulch the beds, so the weeds were running rampant! It almost looked like the grass extended all the way up to the foundation, rather than new dirt and plants. So when I got home, he lead me out to the front lawn where the valiant plants were no longer struggling to rise above the weeds. Instead, they were shown off beautifully by the thick layer of black mulch that matched so nicely with the front door and shutters. Our front lawn finally looks presentable!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Yuck. Another trip to the dentist. I had another bad cavity on my little molar on the bottom left of my mouth. This time, I insisted on having a white filling rather than the silver he used last time. It took almost three weeks before I could stand room tempature liquid in my mouth without doubling over in pain last time. I am SO sensitive to silver fillings! After jabbing me with the insanely huge novacane needle a few times, he went to work. It took about a half hour, then he was done. Once the novacane wore off (about four hours later) my tooth didn't hurt at all! I can drink cold water, chew crunchy and chewy food, and there is no pain. Hooray! I wish I'd had the option for a white filling last time...even if it was more expensive.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Today was Kerry and Rob's wedding. Don't they look so happy? Kerry looked beautiful, of course. Her dress was so pretty. Rob was hansome in his suit. I was very glad that we were invited, along with a few other members of Team XXX Racing. Andrew and Kathy, Claudio and Carmen, Chad and Caroline, Jared and Charles and their dates. It was strange to see everyone in clothes other than their racing tshirts and jeans and helmets!
After some missteps earlier in the day (like me forgetting my shoes and having to drive an hour back home to get them) we arrived at the church a little late. We snuck in as quietly as we could, just in time to see Rob and Kerry say "I do." Then we went back to Claudio's hotel room for an hour to wait until it was time to drive to the reception.
Once at the hall, we had cocktail hour with an open bar and yummy snacks. Everyone from Team XXX pretty much hung out together, as we really didn't know anyone else there. Then we were led into the dining room, where we were stuffed in the corner like I knew we would be. We were the rowdy table after all! It was ok though. We all had a great time laughing and exchanging stories about the bride and groom and each other's antics, and of course, cars! It was a wonderful night and I was sad when it came time to leave. It's fun to get together somewhere other than the racetrack with this great group of friends.
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